Individual Counseling

As a licensed professional counselor, I use a holistic approach to support adult women (18+) in Georgia with a variety of mental health concerns. While most therapists are trained to identify and support the gamut of mental health diagnoses, clients often benefit when the therapist specializes in their area of concern. Below you will learn more about areas of mental health that I have particular expertise and interest in. Do you see yourself in any of these areas?

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anxiety therapist atlanta

If you’ve never felt anxious before, you’re probably not human. Our brains are hard-wired to identify potential threats and respond accordingly, therefore we all get anxious sometimes--but it might be a good time to talk to someone when your anxiety begins to take the driver seat in your life.

If you:

  • find that you can’t stop worrying or you’re consumed with what if’s

  • are beginning to experience physical sensations of anxiety (sweating, racing heart, tense muscles, stomach upset, etc.) that feel overwhelming

  • have recently had a panic attack and you’re worried about when or if the next one will strike

  • find that you are having intrusive thoughts or images in your head that scare you

  • have intense fears about specific things or situations that you are now starting to avoid...

We should talk!

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Do you spend too much time thinking about other people? Are your needs usually on the back-burner because you are worried about the needs of others in your life? Do you feel responsible for the happiness of others? If any of this resonates with you, you may have difficulty prioritizing your own needs and setting healthy boundaries in your relationships. Let’s work together to establish (or re-establish) a healthy relationship with yourself. Both you, and those you are in relationship with will be better for it.

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stress therapist atlanta

Stress is a regular part of life, but it’s how we respond to stress that will determine the impact on our physical and mental health. What do you do when things become chaotic and overwhelming? During stressful times, are your behaviors helping your situation or adding to your stress? At the Self Care Institute of Atlanta, we know that stress is inevitable, and no one is exempt. Together, we’ll process the stressors in your life and determine coping strategies appropriate for your unique situation.

Career Counseling Atlanta
Career Counseling Atlanta

If you’re at a point in your life where you’re wondering if you are in the right career or if you know that you’re ready to transition to another career, you might benefit from career counseling. We spend so many hours working each day--why not find work that incorporates your interests and strengths, while also considering your values (family, time, etc.) and financial needs. Schedule a free consultation to discuss how career counseling might benefit you.

Have a question or ready to get started? Complete the form below and I’ll contact you!